2023 Amhara Regional Business Agenda
In March 2023, the Amhara Regional Business Coalition launched a regional business agenda to elevate the voices of women and youth entrepreneurs, micro-enterprises, and informal businesses in economic policy.

CIPE Civic Engagement Hub Flyer
Check out our new flyer, which highlights the CEH's impact on supporting Ethiopian leaders to reimagine the future of civic engagement in Ethiopia.

ONLINE COURSE: Technology for Democracy
Welcome to CIPE’s Technology for Democracy Online Course. This six-part interactive course is designed to improve the knowledge and use of digital tools and strategies among business membership organizations.

Online Course: Harnessing the Power of the Digital Economy – MSME Guide to Digital Transformation
This FREE course aims to build the capacity of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in using ICT and online platforms to harness the power of the digital economy.

Strengthening Business-to-Business Linkages in Ethiopia: A Guidebook for Chambers and Other Business Membership Organizations
This guidebook provides a three stage, thirteen-step practical process to guide BMOs through helping their members strengthen B2B linkages with foreign direct investors in industrial parks.

A Users’ Manual on Registering and Operating CSOs, BMOs, and Business Start-Ups in Ethiopia
This legal guidebook seeks to support new and existing CSOs, BMOs, businesses, and start-ups in understanding the new legal and regulatory landscape with the goal of broadening the accessibility and strength of civil society in Ethiopia.