Association Board Workbook
This Association Board Orientation workbook provides a ready-to-use guide to conducting efficient and effective association board orientations.

How-To Guide for Economic Think Tanks
This How-To Guide captures insights from the experience of the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) and its think tank partners from around the globe.

CIPE Guide to Youth Advocacy
This guide is designed to help you, leaders of youth organizations (or organizations that wish to support youth), as well as 'intrapreneurs' who wish to develop youth campaigns within their organizations.

Leadership, Governance and Pandemic Recovery
The 2020 Leadership, Governance and Pandemic Recovery manual offers guidance and hope for economic rebound. Associations are resilient and should use the opportunity to become an indispensable partner and trusted resource.

CIPE’s Cost-Benefit Analysis: A Practical Guide for Civil Society Organizations
This handbook assists business associations and civil society organizations in emerging markets and developing countries with conducting cost-benefit analyses of proposed policies or reforms.

Digital Economy Enabling Environment Guide: Key Areas of Dialogue for Business and Policymakers
This guide aims to explain the complex legal and regulatory aspects of the digital economy for all stakeholders, regardless of their technical knowledge or policy experience.